Providing Support and Resources for the Businesses of Elgin
There are many resources in our town and nearby in Kershaw County available for the enrichment and support for our community.
Food For The Soul is an organization based in Camden, serving hot meals, help to those in need, and offers guests a place of rest in their Homeless Shelter.
Due to COVID-19, food is not being served to the public inside the facility. However, they are providing meals to the public at the door as well as delivering meals throughout the county through the LOVE ON THE GO program.
Hot meals are served Tuesday – Friday 12PM – 1 PM. A light breakfast is also available from 9 AM – 10 AM. Hot meals are delivered to Bethune every Monday. On the third Monday of every month, hot meals are delivered at Refuge Baptist Church in the North Central area. Mondays at Friendship Baptist in Lugoff. And at Blaney Baptist Church on Thursdays.
Food for the Soul relies heavily upon volunteers to operate their ministry. There is always a need for transportation to pick up donated goods from community businesses along with clerical support. You may reach out to Food for the Soul to see how you may get involved today!
110 A East Dekalb St. Camden, SC 29020
Blanketing Families, Inc. is an organization dedicated to spreading warmth and kindness throughout the communities of Kershaw County. Founded by two sisters, their compassion for kindness and doing everything for the Glory of God, has made this organization one that not only warms bodies, but warms the hearts of all they come in contact.
Throughout the pandemic, they are continuing to serve, doing their part with a COVID-19 Feeding Program, called “No Family Hungry.” Their program comes to Elgin Town Hall every other Wednesday.
Blanketing Families is always looking for blanket donations or donations of time. Join the Blanketing Family and help spread the warmth.
The United Way of Kershaw County is an amazing resource for the Town of Elgin. The Elgin Community of Hope Food Pantry in town (behind Smiles BBQ) is open on Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Residents are able to pick up items every two weeks with a valid ID.
We are grateful to the United Way for their resources and programs that help enrich and provide assistance to Elgin.
The United Way FoodShare program provides fresh fruits and vegetable boxes to the community for $15 per box. You may visit their website for more information and locations in Kershaw County for FoodShare boxes.
110 E. Dekalb Street, Camden, SC 29020

Sandhills Medical Foundation, Inc. believes in treating the whole person, offering comprehensive health care to their patients. SMF provides primary care, chiropractic, behavioral health care, and onsite pharmacies.
For quality, comprehensive, and cost effective healthcare, visit one of the Sandhills locations in Kershaw County.
103 Main Street South – Bethune, SC 843-334-7145
2611 Liberty Hill Road – Camden, SC 803-432-3447
409 E. Church Street – Jefferson, SC 843-658-3005
205 W. Marion Street – Kershaw, SC 803-475-4701
40 Baldwin Avenue – Lugoff, SC 803-408-3262
645 S. 7th Street – McBee, SC 843-335-8291
290 Market Street – Ruby, SC 843-634-6044
30 Cuttino Road – Sumter, SC 803-778-2442