In the heart of Elgin on Main Street, sits our Potter Community Park.
Potter Community Park is a great host to many Town events- The Catfish Stomp, the Book Mobile, Movie nights in the summer, and lots of community gatherings.
There is a 30 capacity pavilion with a covered shelter, picnic tables, playground equipment, large grounds for events, and a great walking track around the perimeter.
The park is open at sunrise, and no loitering after 9 p.m.
Residents may hold events on the grounds (which holds 200+). Please note, events requesting to be held at the Park for more than 1 day requires approval from council. Approval can be obtained through a special meeting or email with the majority of council in agreement. No usage of the park for over 2 days is permitted, unless it is a town sponsored event.
All permitted users of Potter Park must follow guidelines in the User Agreement. You may obtain a Park User Agreement here.
To check for availability of Potter Community Park, please refer to the calendar below.
You may view the calendar for dates available and dates reserved for community individual events.
If you would like to reserve a date for an event, please contact Town Clerk, Jamie Parker.
In 2017, the Town of Elgin held a ceremony for the new Military Salute Monument, in honor of all military branches. This beautiful memorial stands at the end of Potter Community Park, complete with flags from each branch of the military, along with the US and SC flags.